Back in early 2018, Jeff Schucker purchased Catalpa logs from a resident of Albany Township. Their property has a log structure on it that is one of the oldest in Albany township, which we call the Daniel Berk Log House, after the man who originally constructed it. The deed to the property can be traced directly back to William Penn. This Catalpa tree, which was growing next to the house, was showing signs that it was in decline and the current owner of the property didn’t want to risk it falling on his restored home. A local arborist took the tree down, and the homeowner contacted us to see if we would be interested in the wood.
After purchasing the tree, Jeff milled it into a set of 2 ½” thick live edge slabs that yielded widths up to 28” wide and 10’ long. The the slabs were marked in the sequence that they were sawn out of the log, so that they would be able to be made into book matched table tops of up to 50”+ width. These would also make great bar tops, or smaller single table tops as well.
Catalpa has a nice golden color, and is a very close match to American Chestnut in appearance. Chestnut, which blighted out in the 1800’s, is only available in reclaimed stock. We like the fact that this tree looks much like the American Chestnut that grew in Albany Township when the Daniel Berk log house was originally built, making it a nice fit to the era and history of where the tree grew.
It is now ready to be made into a useful piece of furniture for its new life, and to be enjoyed for many years and generations to come. The slabs are currently available in our retail show room, and are individually priced for sale.